We get asked a lot about hiring practices here are WhizzMind. It’s such an important part of the process when you are looking for the right candidate to fit the job specification. So, here are our useful best practices to help you during the interview process.
Vary questions to suit the candidates
It is important to vary your hiring process depending on each individual employee. No two candidates are the same, and each one will have varied skills to bring to the table. Consider setting out different types of questions. Below we have provided some examples of the types of questions you can use.
Open ended questions – to help the candidate provide more detail when responding to a question.
Company based questions - these questions are based on your company to ensure they have done their research and are truly interested in working for you.
Descriptive questions – to allow the candidate to show they can explain processes effectively
Quick fire rounds – to engage the candidate and break the ice.
Preparation is Key
Ensure you prepare in advance for every interview. Although this may seem an obvious point, it is more common than you think for managers to turn up to an interview without any planning. This is not the best way to approach the interview process as you can end up appearing unorganised and the interview will not run smoothly. This isn’t ideal for you, nor the candidate.
To help you, ask yourself questions such as:
· Is the job specification clear?
· Do you have a clear hiring process in place?
· Are you asking the right open-ended questions?
· Do you know all of their experiences, skills and qualifications?
· Are you prepared for the candidates questions?
Consider preparing a task for the candidate to complete
Tasks can give candidates the opportunity to prove their skillset to you. This can be ‘homework’ set before the interview, or a test during the interview process. Ensure you let the candidate know that you have prepared a task to be completed before the interview takes place, so they know to leave extra time in their day to attend the interview rather than surprising them. Examples can be simple, such as a list of emails, and the candidate can explain how they would respond to each one. Or allow them to solve a problem that you set them relating to the role.
Make the interview engaging
Interviews aren’t just about showing how professional you both are. You are also providing an insight into your company culture. Make sure you include details about how the company works, perks, and show them around so they can see different departments and meet some of the other employees. Ask questions about them, and how well they work in a team, or how others might describe them. If you show that you are proud and excited about the company, the candidate will be too.
Ask for feedback
Once you have completed the interview, whether the candidate was right for the role or not always follow up and ask for feedback. This will help your interview process in future, in turn creating a smooth process and insight into how to approach future interviews. The better experience your candidates have during the interview process, means successful candidates will have a higher retention rate throughout their new role.
If you have any questions about successful hiring practices, or you need support while you go through your hiring process, feel free to get in touch or contact us on LinkedIn. We help mangers and leaders create incredible opportunities for their candidates and provide brilliant interview experiences.